KEDFA Direct Loan

Finance up to $500,000 in low interest direct loan project funding.

Category: Business

Provides matching funds for employee training activities.
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Provides tax credits for investments in employee occupational skills upgrades.
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Federally funded grants for machinery and infrastructure for new and expanding business.
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Provides lower financing rates and tax abatements for up to 30 years on capital investments.
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Provides income tax credits and wage assessments to companies locating or expanding in the state.
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Provides sales tax refunds for building and construction materials along with eligible equipment for research and development.
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Provides tax credits and employee wage assessments for manufacturing companies in imminent danger of closing.
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Small businesses engaged in the manufacturing, agribusiness or service and technology fields often need to update or purchase equipment to remain competitive in today’s marketplace, but often securing those funds through traditional lenders can prove difficult for a variety of reasons. The Kentucky Economic Development...
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Provides incentives for Kentucky companies that need to retool to be competitive in a global workplace.
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Do to the risky nature of small businesses, many entrepreneurs struggle to find traditional lending opportunities to start or expand their business. In an effort to help mitigate the risk associated with lending to small businesses, the Cabinet for Economic Development offers three distinct credit...
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The Paycheck Protection Program established by the CARES Act, is implemented by the Small Business Administration with support from the Department of the Treasury. This program provides small businesses with funds to pay up to 8 weeks of payroll costs including benefits. Funds can also...
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A reward for your success Your company may be eligible for a substantial tax credit just for doing what successful businesses do – grow! It’s simple. The Kentucky Small Business Tax Credit program offers between $3,500 and $25,000 per year for small businesses...
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